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Full Version: [GET] Wicked Article Creator 2.8.5 Portable
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(03-14-2013 04:23 AM)dexter88 Wrote: [ -> ]anyone got the tutorial how to make good article from this??
You can see on youtube, just search about - wicked article created Tongue
Using Windows 7 Pro, after installation and copying the crack, program opens and closes after 1-2 seconds and nothing happens. Checked Task Manager and it's still running in the background.

If I don't copy/paste the crack, program launches very smoothly but got Server error when trying to login.

Anyone can enlighten me? :(
I watched the promo video. WAC installs fine but it's hard to determine when one spun article is ended and the next one begins. Too much work.
(03-14-2013 04:23 AM)dexter88 Wrote: [ -> ]anyone got the tutorial how to make good article from this??
link not working
somebody reupload please
links updated
its now asking for logging information.
cant leave blank, what i need to enter there?
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