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Full Version: MASS Facebook Account Creator 2.1.33
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hi, it is preinstall software? i cannt run file "MASS Facebook Creator.exe"
For me the same, I cannt run the .exe!
it verify phone number?
it is not working he is lie
(02-01-2013 11:21 PM)martienbh Wrote: [ -> ]hi, it is preinstall software? i cannt run file "MASS Facebook Creator.exe"
Nope, just extract it and run.
Is you anti virus software blocking it?
Try running it as administrator.
(02-02-2013 02:49 AM)Warocks Wrote: [ -> ]it verify phone number?
Nope, I don't know if it gets around that or not.
(02-03-2013 09:20 PM)shanaka1982 Wrote: [ -> ]it is not working he is lie

That is odd, because I just opened it up just fine.

[Image: 2qbt838.jpg]
(02-03-2013 09:20 PM)shanaka1982 Wrote: [ -> ]it is not working he is lie
LOL OMG Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
it is not working at all.
if i run MASS Facebook Creator.exe
this always show message box

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