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Full Version: [GET] Make PROFESSIONL Looking Videos Today! Make Your Own Whiteboard (Scribbing) Videos Today! Amazing!!
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might be worth gettting the app for ipad, they sell it for £3 in the UK

Better than £14 a month but you do need an ipad.

Thats def better than buying an affiliate link and it 100% legit from sparkol

Just sayin'

I have now see it all. The WSO approval crew will approve anything.

Not putting the OP share down one bit, but what a scam by the Warrior. Selling his/her affiliate link...
More like WRO, warrior ripe off. Which is why I come here. Not the first one of these I've seen and I'm sure won't be the last.
I agree the 2 page spammed with affiliate links WSO kinda, but luckily we don't need to pay for it here at BBHF. The resource in the pdf is worth it though so thanks for the share MoneyStar. And now I know the direct source so no affiliate sales from me WSO author...haha
I agree the 2 page spammed with affiliate links WSO kinda, but luckily we don't need to pay for it here at BBHF. The resource in the pdf is worth it though so thanks for the share MoneyStar. And now I know the direct source so no affiliate sales from me WSO author...haha 42rock
(01-28-2013 06:03 PM)seopanda23 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Grahame,

I understand what you say.

However, you may remember the story of the washing machine man who turned up at someone's house to fix the washer. Only after listening to it making strange noises simply gave it a whack with his hammer and immediately the machine started humming beautifully like it should. And then the engineer proceeded to charge the home owner $25 for the repair.

The home owner, obviously, complained that he was being charged $25 for a two minute job for the engineer simply hitting his washer with a hammer.

The engineer corrected the home owner and said: "No, it's only $5 for hitting your machine with a hammer but the other $20 is for knowing where to hit it!"

That's what we buyers of WSOs pay for. We are buying other people's knowledge and experience in order that we can get there quicker.

Another example of this is from my personal experience with Fiverr only last week. I hired a guy to fix some html/css issues on my page. He delivered the answer very quickly but afterwards I realised there was something else I should have asked him as well.

Trouble was I'd already paid him so, I then spent the next couple of hours trying to sort it myself. Only eventually realising that for another $5 I could get him back again to fix it for me.

Everyone loves those video scribbing/white board videos. And, if all it takes is the price of a coffee for me to discover how I can make my own I'll pay that.

And I have. WSO's generally are cheap so we shouldn't complain too much. And this one is a bargain, especially if we can end up being able to make our own videos, don't you think?


That's my philosophy, except i dont buy the WSOs...i get them all from here!

We dont buy a Method - we buy a shortcut or an idea which we have to "digest" and make it better!

That is why i stopped accusing the WSO owners of rehashing stuff! I bet there are at least 50% of WSO buyers that did not even know about the methods described in whatever Re-Re-hashed Fully Hyped WSO!!

It takes a little of "growing up" to realize these things!

I dont approve of the way they advertise their WSOs - hype and lies (WF is a shitplace)...but you cant reinvent the wheel! You can only make it so much better!!
Yes, he want to try to sell this product. It's not a real file . It's a affiliate link
I've got a pdf with a link in it for ANYTHING YOU EVER WANT.
Send me $5 bucks for it; it is guaranteed.
If you can show me you can't find what you want I'll give you your money back!


Save your money... it's
Well ... Let ask the BIG question here, if it would cost one of us to use "Scribe" for anytime, that is $$, where can we get it for no cost??


d*** this just goes to show you can make a wso out of anything, such B.S might as well big fiverr gig and let someone else do for you.
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