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Full Version: [TUT] The Ultimate Guide To CrowdFunding by Angel's Gate Entrepreneurship TV Series
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[Image: guide-to-crowd-funding.jpg]
whst is this man... where is teh download link dude... ?
Waiting for the download link
? huh how he gone share just the salespage
Dudes, I think the infographic IS the product.
If the infographic IS the product - wondering why its called the TV series?
thank you very much
Angel's Gate is a Angel investor site. The "TV Series" is video crowd-funding pitches. They don't sell products or have informational series. This info-graphic seems to be the method by which you go about crowd-funding your project.
I never knew sometime my fellow bbhf will lack the basic most basic common sense...

yeah..this infographic is the guide of crowdfunding^_____^
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