01-23-2013, 05:22 AM
Cracking Lessons - Complete Learning Course:
Threats detected with many antivirus, although rest assured its all false positives.
Lena Video Tutorials:
Crack Softwares - Reverse Engineering:
I think of this tutorial as useful as this thread's share will prove itself as resourceful for the newbies and enthusiasts who want to learn the ways of cracking and nulling.^_____^ I do believe it, indeed I do:-)
After myself being like that one, searching and searching for means of learning how to crack and all, asking crackers and nullers for assistance along the way, I realized the hard way...that not everybody are gifted with the innate skill to teach, so as a result, though many may be masters of this skill armed with its knowledge, on the the other hand when it comes to teaching that skill, they don't have the time or any idea where to start in the first place. That's all right now^____^
This is my sharing my heart to you all;-)
You will study a detailed, step by step lessons created by a real practicing cracker. You don’t need to be a PC guru and don’t even have to master any software programming languages. These learning course will show you how to crack software with both the most simple and the most sophisticated protection systems.
You will study a detailed, step by step lessons created by a real practicing cracker. You don’t need to be a PC guru and don’t even have to master any software programming languages. These learning course will show you how to crack software with both the most simple and the most sophisticated protection systems.
Threats detected with many antivirus, although rest assured its all false positives.
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Lena Video Tutorials:
The best of the best in reverse engineering video tutorials.
Crack Softwares - Reverse Engineering:
Magic Button :
I think of this tutorial as useful as this thread's share will prove itself as resourceful for the newbies and enthusiasts who want to learn the ways of cracking and nulling.^_____^ I do believe it, indeed I do:-)
After myself being like that one, searching and searching for means of learning how to crack and all, asking crackers and nullers for assistance along the way, I realized the hard way...that not everybody are gifted with the innate skill to teach, so as a result, though many may be masters of this skill armed with its knowledge, on the the other hand when it comes to teaching that skill, they don't have the time or any idea where to start in the first place. That's all right now^____^
This is my sharing my heart to you all;-)