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Full Version: [GET] The Tumblr Keyword Follower Bot
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First thing I want to say is, This bot is not mine, secondly, I just found it on
other forum, and last, I didn't test it yet so don't ask anything about it.


The Tumblr Keyword Follower Bot will follow 185 people in 5 minutes on
tumblr for the keyword that you specify. This bot does not use scraping
so it cuts down on the time it takes to run drastically. This bot can
handle up to 5000 blog accounts and can be ran continuously without
interruption from the user. The Tumblr Keyword Follower also has proxy
support. All bots come with detailed instruction in PDF format to help
the user with any problem that my arise.

Virus Total:

Mediafire Download:

Test it yourself.
I would like to try this out but the dl link on the MF page takes me...elsewhere
Can someone please reup to another mirror
can you tell me the use of this bot? it seems useless... to follow people only a handful people will follow back
@We Go

The mediafire link is working fine, I don't know what is your problem.


There's a PDF instructions included. Follow it!
(01-23-2013 02:48 AM)saltox Wrote: [ -> ]@We Go

The mediafire link is working fine, I don't know what is your problem.


There's a PDF instructions included. Follow it!

The problem I am seeing is, when I click on the MF green 'download' button, I am sent here, and nothing downloads:

I am not saying it is your problem, but it happens to me consistently, and I used latest version Chrome and FoxFire Confused

If you have time please reup elsewhere, or anyone that has already dl it please reup Huh
Virus Total: Clean:
File name: tumblr-follow-bot
Detection ratio: 0 / 46
Analysis date: 2013-01-23 02:19:23 UTC
Let me know if you need any help I am the OP
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