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Full Version: Top Adsense CTR Themes In The World 2013 ! Vote!
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[Image: adsense-ctr-theme.png]

  1. HeatMap Theme
  2. intellitheme
  3. CTRTheme
  4. Thesis Theme
  5. oketheme
  6. Adsense Ultimate Pro
  7. Others (Name the Theme)
Alright, these are all the adsense themes that are known to get 30%+ CTR but which theme really can get the highest CTR? Let's vote.

[Image: slide.2.png]
[Image: 091510_1624_AdsenseWPCT1.gif]
technology: average 11% CTR
Apple iPhone: average 12% CTR
weight loss: average 9,5% CTR
finance: average 11% CTR
multipurpose blog: average 10% CTR
gardening : average 8,5 % CTR
entertainment: 11% CTR
news : average 10% CTR
health: average 10% CTR

My avg ctr using CTRTheme 1.5.4.

[Image: Image4.bmp]
Anyone please vote pls. You vote is important..
please vote.!!!!
where can we see intellitheme demo?
how about OkSense theme...recently released as WSO?
id go for heatmap, but im intrigued by the intellitheme, i cant seem to find a demo on their site though
I have ctrtheme in my 8 website that is 2 months old, but until now i have 0.1 income. I don't know whats the problem :(
(01-22-2013 09:04 AM)cutetallguy8 Wrote: [ -> ]I have ctrtheme in my 8 website that is 2 months old, but until now i have 0.1 income. I don't know whats the problem :(
no traffic
more vote please !!!
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