you can't understand only from the video :))) you must try it, well i have espected more if i must be sincer, i have put it with gsa search engine ranking for whole the night and solve only 300 captchas, with captcha snipper in one night was solved for me more 700 i don't know maybe im doing something wrong, but if keep the booth by default, snipper work better for me, and i see more verified submission
It's really an amazing tool. I used the trial v. (for 5 days), then uninstall it with Revo, then reinstall again. It's really expensive, but it recognise 3-4 TIMES more captchas than CS X3. The bad thing of the trial (reinstalled) version is that the software stops on each 100 solved captchas and you have to click a window to continue. Need to be really cracked.
When I use Revo uninstaller and install again, same thing happp, I get msg like demo version expired. I am using revo uninstaller pro. It is strange because on my machine software expiered just two hours after I install it.
If you REALLY want to keep installing and uninstalling, think of the time you could be earning if you just buy it?
GSACB works faultlessly with GSASER [and most softs|scripts] to break captchas.
This soft will only get much better, just like GSASER and other softs have over the last 8+ years we have used them.
If you still happy to work 5 days, be limited to 100 captchas [not always 100 right ones!] and to waste time...
You can simply use VMware, install GSACB, make a VMware backup before you run it, run it, wait for the 5 days trial to run out, make a new VMware machine with the backup, work another 5 days.
Is it worth all the effort for NOT spending $100 and the chance to bank that a day, by using the full versions... not really :))
you can try the free trial one..
(01-23-2013 12:28 AM)Warocks Wrote: [ -> ]you can try the free trial one..
I run 6 campaigns with GSA x 2 tiers and 100 captchas goes on a flight. I have to cklick OK every 10 minutes. Does not work well, in this way. If you have 1-2 tiers only, you can make 100 "solved" captchas per hour, but in a big run your 100 captchas are burned very fast.
It has to be cracked, i hope it will be soon.
Just invest in bloody thing if is so important. Can't be beggar and cheapskate all life.
Many of us ALREADY INVESTED in other stuff....Including myself.
You cannot expect to invest EVERY BLOODY THING.
Judging by your reputation and contributions in here BBHF
Beggar and Cheapskate these 2 words SUITS you Well
(01-23-2013 01:43 PM)azure293 Wrote: [ -> ]Just invest in bloody thing if is so important. Can't be beggar and cheapskate all life.
THIS CAPTCHA BREAKER IS AWSOME, just tryed and have 65%+ more succes rates than captcha sniper!!!
Are you the OWNER ?
If yes , are you DESPERATELY to get more sales ??
(01-24-2013 01:00 AM)SUPREMUS Wrote: [ -> ]THIS CAPTCHA BREAKER IS AWSOME, just tryed and have 65%+ more succes rates than captcha sniper!!!