03-10-2013, 07:45 PM
Pages: 1 2
03-26-2013, 09:37 PM
this infected my pc share but dont add shit on it registery scan etc so so lame
04-25-2013, 11:37 PM
Does anyone have the invoice manager and simple forum module for this :)
04-25-2013, 11:39 PM
Does anyone have the Invoice Manager and Simple Forum pluginfor this version?
04-26-2013, 02:30 AM
Looks good thank you for sharing!
05-23-2013, 07:02 PM
[both these are deleted - but the rest are ok
quote='ERROR505' pid='311741' dateline='1358859636']
Portfolio Module for CMS pro! v1.1
Portfolio is a CMS pro! premium module designed to enable you to arrange your projects and present your works for the visitors of your site. Moreover, module may not necessarily be used as a portfolio – it can as well be referred to as a catalogue for any kind of items.
Portfolio allows you to create a full portfolio of your works and integrate it with your site as a separate section. All your works will be divided into categories which are, in their turn, are divided into sections.
Each portfolio item has a brief description which will be displayed in the list of items belonging to one category, and a full description displayed when the user clicks the “title” link on the item.
quote='ERROR505' pid='311741' dateline='1358859636']
Portfolio Module for CMS pro! v1.1
Portfolio is a CMS pro! premium module designed to enable you to arrange your projects and present your works for the visitors of your site. Moreover, module may not necessarily be used as a portfolio – it can as well be referred to as a catalogue for any kind of items.
Portfolio allows you to create a full portfolio of your works and integrate it with your site as a separate section. All your works will be divided into categories which are, in their turn, are divided into sections.
Each portfolio item has a brief description which will be displayed in the list of items belonging to one category, and a full description displayed when the user clicks the “title” link on the item.
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