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Full Version: CMS pro m2 - Content Management System v3.50 - Last version Released -REMOVE ADF LINK
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thanks friends
this infected my pc share but dont add shit on it registery scan etc so so lame
Does anyone have the invoice manager and simple forum module for this :)
Does anyone have the Invoice Manager and Simple Forum pluginfor this version?
Looks good thank you for sharing!
[both these are deleted - but the rest are ok

quote='ERROR505' pid='311741' dateline='1358859636']
Portfolio Module for CMS pro! v1.1

Portfolio is a CMS pro! premium module designed to enable you to arrange your projects and present your works for the visitors of your site. Moreover, module may not necessarily be used as a portfolio – it can as well be referred to as a catalogue for any kind of items.
Portfolio allows you to create a full portfolio of your works and integrate it with your site as a separate section. All your works will be divided into categories which are, in their turn, are divided into sections.
Each portfolio item has a brief description which will be displayed in the list of items belonging to one category, and a full description displayed when the user clicks the “title” link on the item.


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