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Full Version: [GET] [FACEBOOK] Put cash money in your soon as tomorrow!
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Pages: 1 2
My daughter is doing this right now
she has made over $2000 selling stuff from around the house

We live in a very small town and she is killing it!
unfortunately it's winter and 5 degrees out right now
so she can't do any yard sales until it warms up.

Just a quick review for those who think this wont work
BTW: My daughter is a stay at home mom.
+5 Rep added. ☺
(01-15-2013 12:22 PM)oggie Wrote: [ -> ]My daughter is doing this right now
she has made over $2000 selling stuff from around the house

We live in a very small town and she is killing it!
unfortunately it's winter and 5 degrees out right now
so she can't do any yard sales until it warms up.

Just a quick review for those who think this wont work
BTW: My daughter is a stay at home mom.
awesome and encouraging review Smile
Quick review:
Go to Facebook, search for "your city online yard sale" (or something similar) and join groups on Facebook where people buy/sell/trade their items and sell your old junk..
Could be good for some quick cash, with little to no outlay (besides for gas) if you source freebies from Craigslist and Freecycle.
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