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Full Version: [GET] 60~100 likes To Every Post You Have In Facebook
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Tested and worked,

Go To

Step 1: Click ''Get Token''
[Image: Image.jpg]
Step 2: Copy the string from ''AAAAAA.... to the letter before &expires

[Image: Image2.jpg]
Step 3: Paste the '''AAAAAA....'' string here
[Image: Image3.jpg]
Step 4: Go To Any Facebook Post and Copy The ID of the post
[Image: Image5.jpg]
Step 5: Paste the post id here and CLICK ''AUTOLIKE STATUS'' YADAAA MAGIC APPEARED...!!!
[Image: Image4.jpg]

[Image: Image6.jpg]
Another similar site
Yes, but this one i tested it works for me, so I would like to share with our dearest VIP members here.
it ends up spamming your groups with posts , people online in chat with a link, its viral script just like Xperia. everyone started doing , it gets you like but if you have a reputed account , you will just have an account after this :D
This is good to show off to your friends that you can get 60~100 likes in 1 min to a post.
Anyone love this trick?
I tried this and it instantly blocked my account with facebook saying I had a virus, and I had to jump through a few hoops to unblock my account. Wont be trying this again.
Nope this is working for me... try that...
(01-20-2013 06:46 AM)Mastermind Wrote: [ -> ]I tried this and it instantly blocked my account with facebook saying I had a virus, and I had to jump through a few hoops to unblock my account. Wont be trying this again.
This happened to me as well.
I don't know but it is working for me now.
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