But hey guys (and gals)...
It's an AWESOME FIND :-)
Win XP is supported up to next year, and this suite clearly does not need the resources of current operating sysems and Adobe software programs.
So, ENJOY powerful software on OLDER machines :-)
Cheers, Johnny63
Great share but this is BBHF. What about CS6. I have been looking for a crack or serial number for a while now. Come on guys show me the work around for CS6.
CORE and x-force already had a keygen + hosts-patcher for CS6 out shortly after release...
If you have one of these, you only download the trials from Adobe and enter the generated serials.
But this is not a cracker forum...
Cheers, Johnny63
Here Is A torrent I just Downloaded of Adobe CS6
I have not Had time to get it working...
It has a a lot of good feedback on the thread...
As of now on my machine No Virus Detected...
Down Load At Your Own RISK...
Direct Dwonload