Basic Steps. Create Ads for Real Estate Agents and sell them your Services. Send regulary Newsletter - nothing new.
Contact the people and try to sell websites and so on.
Method 1: Schooling 'Em: Target RE licensing schools, advertise to newly-licensed agents.
Method 2: Get on Board: Advertise through local board of realtors.
Method 3: Partner Profits: Work with and IDX Developer Network and become an approved vendor
Method 4: Make it Rain: Advertise on realtor website
Method 5: 15 Client a Month: contact RE brokers, offer to do marketing training session for their agents.
Overall, not some bad ideas in here. Probably worth the $10 for the program, but the theme is Shiite. I think it could have been summed up in a 10-page PDF, though.
Arnie, I know an RE agent who is the only agent allowed to sell for a gated community, she's one of the best in the area and she only sells homes over 1mill... earns herself a 500k a year there's still money in RE.