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Full Version: [GET] How To Make $50 Every Day on Flippa in 7 Easy Steps!
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In this guide you'll learn how you can make $50 or even more every single day on Flippa in 7 simple steps! Your initial capital must be only $60, so you’ll get it back in 2 days!
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+5 For sharing Your own Product :)
I like your sharing Spirit... Cool Cool
+1 added.Cool
Cheers mate +5 rep added
Thanks for sharing your efforts.

I sent you a Private Message.

+5 Rep added.
Awesome, I hope I gets somewhere with this. You have too have a little investment to put in, but I can some potential. Thanks!
In few short words. This method suposes to buy premade PLR Blogs - $27 for 5 niche blogs and sell each of them like it is for $120 in flippa, LOL... For all who gave Reps - the uploader is promoting this method because his real business is selling these 5 PLR Niche blogs for $27 on warriorforum and not helping you with some methods on flippa. It is a classic case of free report or method with hidden backend purpose. Who believes that a premade and not unique, not rankable and completely generic PLR blog for $2 bucks can be sold next day for $120 in flippa is a dreamer. There is absolutely nothing to give reps for even to thanks - this guy is only trying to make you pay by giving you false expectations.
His thread on other forum has been deleted,

so he came here to "share" his report

in which he promotes his own wso and his hostgator affiliate link
pure green goodbye you have been caught
plus rep for imaster
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