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Install it, and your done :).
SO, his does not need cracking in any way? Looks very much like an official update to me...

Cheer, Johnny63
(01-03-2013 05:48 PM)jbrown63 Wrote: [ -> ]SO, his does not need cracking in any way? Looks very much like an official update to me...

Cheer, Johnny63
yep its an official update.No need of cracking :).
asking for the key to unlock
asking for key?
(01-03-2013 10:47 PM)MellowD Wrote: [ -> ]asking for key?
Strange, it didi't asked me for any key.
Close and try again.

I disconnected my internet when it asked for serial, first time running, entered some numbers
and clicked ok. It popped up message saying check your internet connection.. clicked OK and
took to the main interface. Closed the program and ran again. Didn't ask for serial.
(01-04-2013 12:36 AM)VIP Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-03-2013 10:47 PM)MellowD Wrote: [ -> ]asking for key?
Strange, it didi't asked me for any key.
Great share, but yes - I was also asked for a key :(
Def needs key
(01-04-2013 12:47 AM)10zen Wrote: [ -> ]Close and try again.

I disconnected my internet when it asked for serial, first time running, entered some numbers
and clicked ok. It popped up message saying check your internet connection.. clicked OK and
took to the main interface. Closed the program and ran again. Didn't ask for serial.
Did as you said. Still get the 'Invalid Licence Key' message. Any other suggestions anybody Undecided
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