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Pages: 1 2 3
Wow This sofware 100% Working for Thanks buddy. . . . .
it work for you zaguza?
thaaanks man
Post: #3RE:
I am getting an error when starting the setup.exe

An error occured attempting to install NicheCracker.

On the details tab:

Yes Niche Cracker Download link is down.
please delete my post
Developer launching again the Niche Cracker before December 13 but it was web based app. Every existing customer will get this at free of cost.
not workinf
i have win 8 x64 Blush

[Image: 858639579.jpg]
Thank you for the great share! It appreciated <3
(09-09-2013 03:14 PM)1up Wrote: [ -> ]Developer launching again the Niche Cracker before December 13 but it was web based app. Every existing customer will get this at free of cost.
Only problem is i need the darn tool now! ..not in december, the guy who owns Niche cracker is taking its customers for granted ...if scrapebox team or GSA team did this to there customers they would be boo'd out of town (metaphorically speaking)

He even admitted that he is to busy making money on 3 other projects, that's how much he values his customers, so i have have to lose money so he can make it, even though i paid with my hard earned money

screw him
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