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Full Version: The biggest mistake BBHF members do, that prevents them from succeeding in IM!
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(01-15-2013 02:18 AM)Viccenia Wrote: [ -> ]This was a short but inspirational post that has sparked something inside me, a fire, a desire. Whatever it is, I now view the 80-20 rule as that of the holy bible. I have started 2 blogs and posted a couple of posts on them already, hoping to grow them into mini-niche sites that will bring in pocket money for me in the near future. That may very well be the 1st action that I have taken in my journey to becoming an internet marketing expert, though I would really like to learn and develop real black-hat methods and mentality soon. Cool Other than that, THANK YOU AGAIN TS for the OP, for it pushed me to my first actions!

Hi, I'm very happy my thread inspired you so much!...One small tip , every week spend atleast 5 mins reviewing how productive your week was bcoz of following 80/20 rule and make a small plan on how yo'll implement 80/20 rule the coming week, this helps you to stick with 80/20 rule without getting distracted! ...All the best!
Yes Ashwin77, you did a very good reminders to aspiring marketeers, the 80/20 rule. You truly manifested the act of caring and sharing. Long Live!
(01-15-2013 07:01 PM)kimwell Wrote: [ -> ]Yes Ashwin77, you did a very good reminders to aspiring marketeers, the 80/20 rule. You truly manifested the act of caring and sharing. Long Live!
Hi Kimwell, thanks alot for your kind words :) It inspires me alot to share many such thing's i've learnt in IM, thanks again friend!
agree with you, i also did it. -_-
What a waste, and now i try one by one way.

But almost every people post a new thread and make shit like "get $10-100/day easily" sometime make me tempted lols
by the way, i love this forum since i found it :v
Many people share their experience and freebies tools or etc.

One important to get dollars just "Action"
(01-21-2013 12:55 AM)dafuq Wrote: [ -> ]agree with you, i also did it. -_-
What a waste, and now i try one by one way.

But almost every people post a new thread and make shit like "get $10-100/day easily" sometime make me tempted lols
by the way, i love this forum since i found it :v
Many people share their experience and freebies tools or etc.

One important to get dollars just "Action"
Thanks for sharing your experience brother!
one time i was reading a post in one of the black hat forums. one guy posted how he made money creating wso. All he does is creating wso, with bold claims. he says those who buys wso are suckers and will come back for more... i stop buying wso since then :D
without take action we never know what is the right and best method
Without (many) take action we never
know what is the right and best
Thanks guys for sharing your views about this thread!
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