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Full Version: [GET] My 2013 Ultimate Gameplan
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nice share;-)
Nice share, will definitely check it out, let's hope it's not another BS 6-figure earner. Thanks OP and MirrorMan!

Here's a quick list for those wondering about content:

Write Down Your 3 Goals
Recap of mine...
Goal #1: Simplify Business To Make It More Relaxing, Less Work and Yet More Successful By
Working Smarter, Not Harder
Goal #2: Increase Lead Flow, Increase Average Price Per Sale, Increase Lifetime Customer Value
Goal #3: A.B.L. – Always Be Launching

Make a List of Your Favorite Cash Extraction Tactics (CET)
Recap of mine...
CET #1: Mail To “Planes of Engagement” To Build Trust and Authority Amongst Your
Subscribers and Customers
CET #2: Use Sequential E-Mail Campaigns That Build Anticipation Instead of One-Off Churn
Em and Burn Em Mailings
CET #3: Advertising Camouflage Applied To The Internet

Make a List of Your Favorite Listbuilders
Recap of mine...
Listbuilder #1: Solo Ads (To Buyers Lists/ClickBank Vendor Lists)
Listbuilder #2: Affiliates
Listbuilder #3: Banner Buys

Make a List of Your Favorite Product Idea Tactics (PIT)
Recap of mine...
PIT #1: Block Off One Full Day To Create An Amazing Product
PIT #2: Listen to What People Want on Bonus Q and A Webinars
PIT #3: Pay Attention to What People are Buying
PIT #4: Break Into Any Niche By Mining The Psychographics From Amazon Reviews
PIT #5: Launch a Short Reports Business In Any Niche
PIT #6: Get Product Ideas From “Planes of Engagement”
PIT #7: You Do The Research and Decide On The Type of Product, But You Find a JV Partner To Create The Product

Write Your 3-Step Daily Gameplan
Recap of mine...
Step 1: Mail To Engage, Build Anticipation, or Promote Product
Step 2: Do At Least One Thing To Build List
Step 3: Do At Least One Thing For a Product Launch

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And don't post duplicate duplicated thread
Search WSO ID: 732749 pls before sharing..
(01-27-2013 01:35 AM)yyh1 Wrote: [ -> ]SHARED ALREADY
And don't post duplicate duplicated thread
Search WSO ID: 732749 pls before sharing..
Double Thread it is a small evil. Smile If you look here, you will see the real evil: Angry
Wow, the infamous duplicate thread poster Warocks again. At first I thought he is doing some great discussion in VIP section. Now seems like just promoting his signature
If i'm not wrong this has been shared before.
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