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Full Version: [GET]UBot.Studio.V4.1.5.Fixed -,-
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I was able to get the files all extracted. I have 7-zip file manager. I went to the fedfe].txt file and rather than changing the txt to rar I right clicked on the file and told to open with 7-zip file manager. When I did that I found a file and was able to extract from there. There is a bunch more files zipped. I unzipped them there is a readme file and I followed all the steps. However I followed all the instructions and I was able to get ubot open but nothing works no drop downs under the browser commands or any of that stuff. I guess you would say I got the shell to open but that is about it. I am sort of frustrated at this point took me a while to get it to this point and nothing works. I may have missed something I sort suck at this stuff but maybe some can get them open find out what I did wrong that this is not working.
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