1. There are 2 otos which you do not need to succeed with this product. They enhance the product...oto1 contains 60 review articles and 3 list building packs...one for each of these evergreen niches.
2. This product is not a product that deals with traffic...it is a product that gives you all the tools to set up several sites, each containing excellent content and graphics.
If you require a traffic course there are plenty available on this forum...that said if you email my support desk in the FAQ above, i will share my FB Mastermind Group url. Here there are 250+ like-minded individuals who share tips and ideas to improve their Amazon affiliate earnings...and yes i'm there also
3. As for further investment...well it is predominantly your time and effort if you are at an early stage. Setting up your sites, setting up support social media sites, getting backlinks...it is all down to time on your part. Yes you can buy softwares and other courses...but where does it really end buddy. No you have enough here and the time you put in will see you right!