12-26-2012, 04:38 PM
Shared Specials
Reseller Specials
Semi-Dedicated Specials
VPS Server Specials
Note: These specials are valid on Boxing Day only, and will be active at 12:00AM CST (GMT-5) on Wednesday, December 26th and will run until 11:59PM CST (GMT-5) Wednesday. These coupons are valid for new orders only, they cannot be applied to upgrades or renewals.
- 80% off super shared hosting package for the first year using the coupon boxing2012super (Regular Price: $129.48, Boxing Day Price: $25.90)
- 55% off the first payment on all shared hosting accounts using the coupon 55boxing2012
Reseller Specials
- 35% off recurring on all reseller accounts using the coupon boxing2012r35percent
- 55% off the first payment on all reseller accounts using the coupon boxing2012r55percent
Semi-Dedicated Specials
- 40% off recurring on all semi-dedicated accounts using the coupon boxingsd40percent
VPS Server Specials
- 40% off recurring on all VPS servers in Dallas, TX using the couponboxingvps40percent
Note: These specials are valid on Boxing Day only, and will be active at 12:00AM CST (GMT-5) on Wednesday, December 26th and will run until 11:59PM CST (GMT-5) Wednesday. These coupons are valid for new orders only, they cannot be applied to upgrades or renewals.