Thank you man nice work ... A
IzCrackz, you total legend, you should think about becoming a VIP member, another great cracker for the community.
Thanks for the share bro dope. Any chance of instadominate

Every time the same 22:25:35] We've reached your limit
[22:25:35] We will run again in 60 minutes
Is that normal ?
(12-24-2012 07:26 AM)kadir1992 Wrote: [ -> ]Every time the same 22:25:35] We've reached your limit
[22:25:35] We will run again in 60 minutes
Is that normal ?
If you don't sent any limits the bot will end immediately and stop.
after 60 min limits comes the same
Mainreview and Mainwindow <= different

Someone please make MIRROR.....Thanks.
thank you IZCrackZ + rep added
(12-24-2012 10:04 AM)boxykid Wrote: [ -> ]thank you IZCrackZ + rep added
Don't forget try to HELP make mirror too