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(12-23-2012 11:08 PM)hajdha Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-23-2012 08:52 AM)nightquest Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-23-2012 06:30 AM)hajdha Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
It's the first time I am using this software
There is no option to do the Captcha Manually ??? Must I buy an account to resolve to Captcha !!??
You can use manually just start software and try it first account you try to create capthca will pop up...
Thank you first for your help,,,,,
But actually I don't get it,,,
In the "Universal Settings", if I don't chose one captcha resolver site AND type in a username and password I can't pass this step,,,,,should I choose a random user/pass ,,,,????
Actually I don't know how you get this idea,,,it works,,,,thank you very much for your help,,,,,
Please Help Me Out i got this problem

When I open SeNuke, it simply asks for a Username and Password.

what can i do??
(12-25-2012 02:06 PM)omittai Wrote: [ -> ]Please Help Me Out i got this problem

When I open SeNuke, it simply asks for a Username and Password.

what can i do??
Ignore and press verify to open the software and use.
Absolutely Superb !!!!
You're rock man...
thanks for the share
thank you. but how to download it?
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