12-25-2012, 08:06 AM
(12-23-2012 11:08 PM)hajdha Wrote: [ -> ]Actually I don't know how you get this idea,,,it works,,,,thank you very much for your help,,,,,(12-23-2012 08:52 AM)nightquest Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you first for your help,,,,,(12-23-2012 06:30 AM)hajdha Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,You can use manually just start software and try it first account you try to create capthca will pop up...
It's the first time I am using this software
There is no option to do the Captcha Manually ??? Must I buy an account to resolve to Captcha !!??
But actually I don't get it,,,
In the "Universal Settings", if I don't chose one captcha resolver site AND type in a username and password I can't pass this step,,,,,should I choose a random user/pass ,,,,????