Why even post if it's not cracked? Seems like your fishing for "Thanks"!!
For everyone reading this, DON'T CLICK on the Thanks link. This is the statement you'll get if you do.
WOOOT its not cracked i can Provide the file but its buggy tool" 
(12-20-2012 07:12 PM)grafx77 Wrote: [ -> ]Why even post if it's not cracked? Seems like your fishing for "Thanks"!!
For everyone reading this, DON'T CLICK on the Thanks link. This is the statement you'll get if you do.
WOOOT its not cracked i can Provide the file but its buggy tool" 
its cracked but buggy anyway
where have i anywhere hide Link or anything like that?!
Before you start Flame you could read the section right becouse you flame for not reading a Thread correct Section anyway i paste again the file
BUT ITS BUGGY!!!!!!!!!!!
and 2nd thing there is No Hide Link
You can read this without pressing Thanks so whats your Problem?!
But here for your fishings Thanks Comment
I dont need to claim for Thanks becouse i share for fun and that can see the People on my Mirrors Posts or whatever
Here be happy
dont claim again for anything its buggy tool and needs cracked!
First off YOU WERE FISHING for "Thanks" dumbass! Your little message starting with WOOOT was hidden with the THANKS code.
Don't go back now trying to say you didn't! Your initial post was Fishing for Thanks!
Your post didn't help do anything but let people know the plugin was buggy. THATS IT!! So don't "backpeddle" your remarks now that you corrected your mistake!
Your not slick!
(12-20-2012 07:32 PM)grafx77 Wrote: [ -> ]First off YOU WERE FISHING for "Thanks" dumbass! Your little message starting with WOOOT was hidden with the THANKS code. I see you EDITED IT, AFTER I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT!!! LOL.
Don't go back now trying to say you didn't! Your initial post was Fishing for Thanks!
Your post didn't help do anything but let people know the plugin was buggy. THATS IT!! So don't "backpeddle" your remarks now that you corrected your mistake! Your not slick!
You are lying check this Post
(This post was last modified: Today 07:07 PM by
So who edited what after what häääh?!
You posted after Mins your Claim Thanks shit message so you should check what you write before
you thank me on
(12-20-2012 07:09 PM) my post was last edited (This post was last modified: Today 07:07 PM by
TMB.) so how can it be that i have edited it after häh?!
explain pls
However its last time that i filled any request if people come me on a way like you
and btw the problem seems on your site maybe you cant read ?!Its not the request section and now check before you write anyone is editing thread or shit like that!
Read Think Write very simple
LOL...you just busted yourself out!!
So you do admit to editing the post you made previously. THANK YOU!
Yeah...it says your post was modified at 7:07 and my Thanks was given at 7:09. So if you used
common sense, which it seems like you don't have much of these days, then it's obvious that as I was typing the reply, you were editing your original post, thus the screen hadn't refreshed.
SECONDLY....why on earth would you have a THANKS by me, when there is no hidden section of your post to be thanked from? Answer me that Mr. Dumbass!? Doesn't make sense does it?
Arguing with you is like arguing with a
6 year old. No one wins!
Just admit your mistake next time and stop being deceitful. It doesn't look good on ya!
BTW, your English is
HORRIBLE. I can barely make out what your saying.....but good job with trying.
(12-20-2012 08:27 PM)grafx77 Wrote: [ -> ]LOL...you just busted yourself out!!
So you do admit to editing the post you made previously. THANK YOU!
Yeah...it says your post was modified at 7:07 and my Thanks was given at 7:09. So if you used common sense, which it seems like you don't have much of these days, then it's obvious that as I was typing the reply, you were editing your original post, thus the screen hadn't refreshed.
SECONDLY....why on earth would you have a THANKS by me, when there is no hidden section of your post to be thanked from? Answer me that Mr. Dumbass!? Doesn't make sense does it?
Arguing with you is like arguing with a 6 year old. No one wins!
Just admit your mistake next time and stop being deceitful. It doesn't look good on ya!
BTW, your English is HORRIBLE. I can barely make out what your saying.....but good job with trying.
Who is the Dumbass Idiot...............
There was never a Hide Link Idiot!!!!!!!!
Stop your Rude Shit Here.
1.Learn Read Its wrong section
If you could read my above topic you will understand that i have edited nothing after you say anything Idiot.
Is it so hard to Read?!
My English sucks yeah i know but you CANT READ BOY.
Shut up your Shit here
YOu have thank me on 7:09 and my post was last edited at 7:07
There there never was a Reason To Press Thanks.
AND if you mean i have edited it while you Post why you have Post SO BIG BULLSHIT after a Person TRY TO HELP YOU OUT??????????
People Like you Sucks becouse you ccome here for a Request Posted it in Wrong Section
A Person Provide you the Files and you are starting your Rude shit here Go Away Boy
Last Time i Have fiulled a Request for Pewople like you i will before check the last posts from the Persons that starts requests.
But i see you are over 1 year registered here and start Bullshit like this?!
Sorry but everyone that see that i have edited "NOTHING AFTER YOUR SHIT" they will UNDERSTAND YOU SUCK!!!
I will Ignore you now becouse i have not the time to paly with Kids like you sorry

1. Quit repeating yourself man. You already stated the exact same thing above. I already explained to you that when you edited your initial post, I was typing out my reply, thus the screen refreshed. It's not that hard to understand and proves my point to the fullest. Your a fool for trying to prove otherwise, as all the evidence on the post backs up my claim. I suppose you really can't teach retards new tricks.
2. Yet again....why would I send you a Thanks and then "Flame" you afterwards? Does that make sense? You still didn't even respond to my question on my last reply. I'm sure it's because your as guilty as SIN! Quit being such a dumbfuck and do what you do best....play with your legos and eat paint chips!
3. Not even your "putdowns" make any sense. You sound like a complete idiot, but I know you try. I'd give you a piece of candy if I could for your efforts little man.
Not sure where you keep getting this boy shit from. I'm fairly certain that I'm older than you, and judging from your lack of maturity, a lot more intellectual and witty than you also. The fact that you put so much effort into covering up a LIE is very amusing. Good for you! I hope it was all worth getting it blown up in your face.
Have a great day.......Shit for Brains!! LOL