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Full Version: [Get] Awesome Mobile CMS - UPDATE with video tuts
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I just saw this is white label.. cool stuff
Thanks for the share.
+ Rep added. ;-)
You are welcome.. I will try to get the set-up video's and share them as well..x
Here is a mediafire mirror

THank you! Props given!
Thanx for the share!

You might try direct dwnloading the tuts from wp-content/uploads/ of their site, but the server is already hitting the limit...

Cheers, Johnny63
awesome share, eye catching mobile websites can be created more similar to the actual website display on a regular computer, thxs, rep added of course...
affiliatemaster75, thanks and rep added, great share!

On another note, I wonder how many sales will these guys lose for not spending some extra bucks to buy a decent hosting plan...their site is soooo slooowww!!!
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