Hi Guys
Sales Page:
Can anyone share this WSO ...
Here you go:
Remember to add rep!
(12-20-2012 01:23 AM)RogueWolfUK Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go:
Remember to add rep!
Reps Added Buddy... Thanks :)
It is a real basic guide on how to setup lenses, i have found nothing new in there and i haven't built a lens in ages...
If you want to start building lenses then this is a good guide to learn how to....
But to make a $100- p/d you will need more then this (rehashed) guide..
I give it 2/5
Here is a mediafire mirror for the takers
Many many thanks RogueWolfUK.
I've been looking for this for a few days to no avail.
I love this place....