Download links are alive but having trouble with activating the plugin. It give some parse error (there is no problem me uploading the plugin). Is there anyone else having the same issues.
It's infected. Don't try to activate it.
Is it possible that when I try to activate this plugin on one of my adsense website and due to infection (what derekt suggested above) a random website was added to my adsense account. what I am trying to say here is I just checked my adsense account and there is this random website got added to my account which is registered to some one in China and its expressions are being counted in my account.
what shall I do ?
Wow, the guy who coded that injection must be a big m*****f*****. Man, I've tried to activate it too but, right after I started to get errors in the admin panel I checked that file in the plugin folder. It seemed very strange to me. I checked with BBHF and there were already posts about that injection. Then I deleted every file of that plugin. I suggest you change your adsense password. But I've got no idea how to prevent possible click bombing :(
So it's very much dangerous to use it,thanks for this warning derekt!