thanks for the share. + reps added for Anton and Spunky.
While it's the older version, I am using this to test run the plugin before buying the license. This looks like a serious plugins with many new added features in their latest versions and for real serious businesses and users. A good potential to make money from this.
Good luck and best wishes.
Hi can someone re-up this cause none of the links are working... Will add reps
Where are folks getting updates as in plural as the person says in the last post? I bought that a long time ago and tossed it because it is just a basic shell that needs a bit of configuration to be of use and they were not updating it. One update of the hub after a long time and that was it. I tried to log onto my member console one day recently after a long time of not going there and it would not accept my credentials and the forgot password link did not work. I spent a chunk of change for it too. I didn't try to sell the hosting because it is a crap place for real business clients you may have.
Def interested in looking at the code, don't really care if its nulled or not, just taking a peak at this from by guy, looks like he creates products updates them a few times then just dumpsthewholething and creates a new product, wash repeat, I just recently got a look at the eve theme thing which is basically a bunch of plugins, some which look like they are just borrowed, who knows for sure but would like to see what mistakes he made because the EVOprostylertheme thing is a real hash of a mess, I like making cool stuff from other peoples junk more so when the junk they make is so rusted. p m m e
Yikes....maybe we can find an old betamax to play with?
I am sorry but I can't see the point of digging up buggy old crap that probably won't work with wp today anyhow. Some years ago I made the mistake of buying some wso scripts and plug ins - and then found that most are NOT supported - hit and run.
I wish we had a "graveyard" forum where people could pull up old old stuff to their heart's content and let this be for new stuff and (reasonably) new stuff
I guess some stuff is "evergreen"...maybe sales techniques?
But...SEO constantly changing....wordpress has changed a lot - some major changes with the "customization" feature meant many plug ins no longer work....
social media changes all the time - recently Linkedin made more changes re groups, etc
It is almost 2016...times change. Also when people who bought some program in 2012 tell you it was crap why not believe them?
I mean ...there are so many programs and wso and plug ins and software here to try, buy or say "crap doody" to ...why would you think something from 2012 would work?
Look at all the people who downloded it...are they retired on an island somewhere from the wonders of this program? No most of them are still here downloading away
JMO - pick a field, a skill, and give it a real try, check out the newest info, programs
You can make money online but not with old buggy stuff
Avoid the real stupid "make thousands in 3 day" crap
who knows..maybe betamax players are antiques and will be valuable? 8 tracks anyone LOL
Here's to a prosperous NEW Year -2016 = for all BBHF
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