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Full Version: [GET] [NEW] Smoking HOT Plugin KICKS the heck out of any popup, video player, opt-in, and slider to date!!!
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[Image: lKKb5.png]



Just use: b4i8ixd0 as license.[/spoiler]

Thanks Goes To DEMOMEB For Getting the License To The Bestblackhatforum Members!
Actually .......... TAUR and DEMOMEB .......... both replied to my PM with the code almost simultaneously. Checked here @ the BBHF and got reply from DEMOMEB,checked back @ reply from TAUR! AWESOME Crackers! BOTH! THANK you!
Hahaha it was so easy when you read btw lines :) I't will be easy if someone can get a keygenerator pro or licenser mate from codecanyon, I'll build our server to generate to license key for everyone and for other plugins and script's that request validation key from the developer website '' it's just an idea " ;)
Replied you back @ BHT! Cool
(12-12-2012 08:51 AM)demomeb Wrote: [ -> ]Hahaha it was so easy when you read btw lines :) I't will be easy if someone can get a keygenerator pro or licenser mate from codecanyon, I'll build our server to generate to license key for everyone and for other plugins and script's that request validation key from the developer website '' it's just an idea " ;)
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