You have my +5 Anton.. Thanks a lot..
Hi demomeb, i think it was different.
This one was the Azon Social Genius by Bobby Walker and Matt-Huggins
while the one you shared was the Simple Azon by Chris Guthrie.
Anyway, rep+ added to both of you!
(12-11-2012 06:35 AM)demomeb Wrote: [ -> ]Great share mate :)
I've shared it 5 days ago as requested here :
Wow... the product not even launch but we are here have privilege to get, test and use it before masses.
Thanks and Rep added to OP.
looking at the tut you need key to activate!! where is this!! thnks
The one that has been shared is called Simple Azon and comes with MRR!
This one is totally different!
(12-12-2012 11:28 PM)meathsauce Wrote: [ -> ]been shared here...long ago
anyway it is good...the more share the better