what happened bro ?
Nothing new getting instant approval actually... :p
(03-18-2013 12:35 PM)★THOR★ Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing new getting instant approval actually... :p
Yup nothing new , but remember bro , we got many newbies here :)
can you more detailed instructions?
(03-20-2013 07:23 AM)strikercondos Wrote: [ -> ] (03-18-2013 12:35 PM)★THOR★ Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing new getting instant approval actually... :p
Yup nothing new , but remember bro , we got many newbies here :)
We appreciate the time you've taken to apply to AdWorkMedia.com, however we are unable to accept you as a Publisher at this time.
Application details: At this time, the quality of your promotional methods do not meet our traffic requirements.
We wish you good luck with your online endeavors. If you strongly believe that you should have been accepted then please contact us for another review.
Ok gayyamashiro , you need to contact them :
explain your situation to them ! it's not necessary to tell them that u got experience . tell them its your first time to try cpa and speak honestly to them , if u can do a phone call also that will help you alot !
Good luck bro and if you got any questions , please don't hesitate to put them here !
(03-22-2013 02:34 AM)gayyamashiro Wrote: [ -> ]I was denied :) .
Then go for other CPA Network !

who can help me get approved by adworkmedia?
this method may be abused by people so it's a big alert to awm