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The first site is heavily customized to the max, u need to get in touch with whoever behind that site or you could just ask the question in U Design support forum. However in second site, the designer is very smart! He or she was just playing with custom background and set the slider to fixed.
I hope that helps.
any one having issues with the widgets displaying I'm talking about the columm 1 colum 2 and so on widegst
Hey could somebody please post the updated "" that makes it compatible with the new Woocommerce 2.0?
(03-11-2013 12:28 PM)swizzbobs Wrote: [ -> ]Hey could somebody please post the updated "" that makes it compatible with the new Woocommerce 2.0?

Yup, I'm also having hard time with the new updated woocommerce. Maybe Raven can help us out?
Thanks dear Raven :) +1
great post man, thanks +1
+ 1
Hey could somebody please post the updated "" that makes it compatible with the new Woocommerce 2.0?
is this theme compatible with the new Woocommerce 2.0?
Quote:is this theme compatible with the new Woocommerce 2.0?
Yes, it is as long as you have its update integration '', but by now it's not shared here yet.

P.S. Look at the post above ya.
Has anyone successfully installed this latest version?

I have tried once to overwrite a previous version and it would not activate so I had to upload my backup.

So no dice for me on this yet.
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