Hi, I have been around for a while but haven't really introduced myself or contributed at all..

Anyways.. I'm not very technically inclined (yet) and I guess the main reason for not contributing is the lack of knowing how to.. I want to share some stuff if someone will be as kind as to send me in the right direction where I can get some info where to start..
I've got the latest offline and mobile themes vol 7 here and would love to share.. Thanks x
Same Here !
I'm a new member and still don't contribute for this forum ! I hope i can be a next Ripper kings here

(12-09-2012 11:22 AM)affiliatemaster75 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I have been around for a while but haven't really introduced myself or contributed at all..
Anyways.. I'm not very technically inclined (yet) and I guess the main reason for not contributing is the lack of knowing how to.. I want to share some stuff if someone will be as kind as to send me in the right direction where I can get some info where to start..
I've got the latest offline and mobile themes vol 7 here and would love to share.. Thanks x
All you need to do is learn on how to upload to file sharing sites. It is extremely easy. The best ones to use are ones that will make multiple mirrors to your download. Examples are uploadseeds, directmirror, mirrorcreator.
Also make sure to do a virustotal scan of your download. It helps the other members know if something seems corrupted or not.

hi I am a noob too..hopefully not for long once some of this starts to sink in ...alot to learn at 1 time..definetely look forward to the day I can give back quality stuff