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Full Version: Free Joomla Template - Unlimited Giveaways of ByJoomla templates and extensions
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An extraordinary campaign of ByJoomla has been
launched for all customers who like and share our blog from 10th to 1st of
January. Simply and unlimitedly can you get PRO products of ByJoomla.

[Image: like_byjoomla1-1024x436.png]

Rules, conditions and awards

On our blog, an Entry of how to get a PRO ByJoomla
extension will be posted from 10th of December and an Entry of how to get a PRO
ByJoomla template will be posted from 21st of December.

Each of the below actions will deserve a
corresponding award from ByJoomla. One person can even win more than one prize
as long as they prove their actions as below.

1. 10/12 – 1/1/2013 Like “ Extensions” entry on Blog
of ByJoomla and get Unlimited BJ Image Slider

2. 10/12 – 1/1/2013 Like and share “ Extensions”
entry on 1 page and get Unlimited BJ Image Slider 2

3. 21/12 – 1/1/2013 Like “ Template” entry on Blog
of ByJoomla and get Unlimited Pro BJ Synegy

4. 21/12 – 1/1/2013 Like and share “ Template” entry
on 2 different pages and get Unlimited Pro 24.9$ BJ Template

5. 1/1 – 4/1/2013 Like and share on 5 different
pages ( of either 2 entries) and get 100 BJ Gold bundle

6 1/1 – 4/1/2013 Most sharing member ( of either 2
entries) and get One BJ Platinum bundle

For more details please click here
Become the most sharing member and win a 79,9$ Platinum bundle

Happy New Year! On occasion of New Year, wishing all your family happiness and lucky. In 2013 we are planning to release new templates and exciting extensions. Let’s just wait and see.
Now, here is the temporarily list of winners, collected from valid email addresses we received. However there are still chances for get more prizes. The final list can change in next 3 days if you try more.
Thanks to everyone for joining and sharing the promotion. The more you share, the more valuable presents you get. Special offer for the run:
100 Gold bundles of templates and extensions (up to 29.9$) will be sent to 100 fastest participants who shared our entries on 5 different pages.
Only 1 Platinum bundle (79,9$) will be sent to the most sharing participant.
Hurry up to join the race now. Only 3 days left to 7th of January.

For more details, please visit ByJoomla Blog
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