Virus total
PHP Code:
P/S: Please Install full .Net framework form Microsoft Corporation before run it :D
Software Doesn't Open.
It Directly close.
Please Reupload it.
(12-01-2012 02:07 PM)submitterguy Wrote: [ -> ]Software Doesn't Open.
It Directly close.
Please Reupload it.
U sure has been install full .Net framework?
My PC run not problem!
(12-01-2012 02:11 PM)cchangkhongayngo Wrote: [ -> ] (12-01-2012 02:07 PM)submitterguy Wrote: [ -> ]Software Doesn't Open.
It Directly close.
Please Reupload it.
U sure has been install full .Net framework?
My PC run not problem!
Ya Dude My PC Have.
But this doesnt Work?
Can you reupload With any changes than can work for me?
It starts for me but can't login to FB account to start grab emails :(
It show message >> account: hasn't login yet
It's working ... just don't close IE browser that popunder the soft!
then, after scrape fb email whats next?
(12-02-2012 05:01 AM)ek3ekytop Wrote: [ -> ]It starts for me but can't login to FB account to start grab emails :(
It show message >> account: hasn't login yet
It's working ... just don't close IE browser that popunder the soft!
haha! sure good work

not working for me
i use win 7 + .netframwork 4
and still
account: hasn't login yet
any help
(12-03-2012 01:48 AM)xdownx Wrote: [ -> ]not working for me
i use win 7 + .netframwork 4
and still
account: hasn't login yet
any help
Please dont't close IE Browse

Can someone reupload this please.