I'm using aweber but is planning to switch due to low delivery. I'm thinking of getresponse and trafficwave. Getresponse is quite popular and used to be free for up to a certain number of subscribers but not now. Trafficwave pricing is fixed for any number of subscribers. Which should I choose?
For those using other autoresponders, feel free to give your input why you choose them. Thanks.
I am using list animal. It is integrated with FB. Delivery is very good. But for now is closed. I will PM if I can get you in. Let me know
Hey prexxis, thanks for the reply. I've been on the list animal webinar and currently they are still in beta stage. So I'm still pondering between getresponse and trafficwave.
i read many bad reviews on traffic wave, support is very worst it seems, better go with get reponce,, and aweber is the leader of email marketing,, donoo y u r geting low delivery rate ??
I don't like Aweber either. If you get one too many spam complaints (whether valid or not), they will close your accounts and steal all your lists.
GetResponse or iContacts will be about the same.
MailChimp has good delivery rates, but not affiliate friendly, so depends on your niche.
I would suggest getting GVO. GVO offers 9.99 dollar monthly hosting fee with all internet marketing tools for free including auto-responder. The success rate is very good.
I have tried it and it is very good. You can it for $1.
Use this link to try it for $1.
You could install interspire email marketer on your server.
It works great!
Hope it work as great as that pair of bouncing boobies! ;p
I use mailchimp, it's free till you have sent email/newsletter to your subscriber 12,000 times. :-)
How good is IMNICA. I hear that deliverability to gmail is an issue. Can someone advice on IMNICA?