04-04-2011, 03:05 PM
Cloak Me - Affiliate Cloaker with Spider Redirection
Hey Guys,
I recently created a plugin for my own personal cloaking needs.
feed back appreciate. Right now referrers are blanked with a signle meta
refresh... mostly because that did the trick when I testest, and I
don't quite understand why a double-meta-refresh is needed.
Hey Guys,
I recently created a plugin for my own personal cloaking needs.
- Shorten and mask URLS (http://www.myblog.com/go/my-masked-link)
- Create custom URL structures (/products/blu-ray-1080pi/)
- Limit link following by browser useragents. (redirect spiders)
- Block specific IPs from link following.
- Redirect unwanted traffic to random page on blog, or to homepage of blog. (redirection management)
- Quickly highlight text and turn text into cloaked links through WordPress’s wysiwyg editor.
- Track visitor click-through counts and search engine redirects for
each link profile. (newest feature* not in videos and screenshots below)
— (added in 1.1) - (optional) Blank the referral before redirecting. (added in 1.2)
feed back appreciate. Right now referrers are blanked with a signle meta
refresh... mostly because that did the trick when I testest, and I
don't quite understand why a double-meta-refresh is needed.