04-04-2011, 02:57 PM
Content Professor: free online article spinning software, No Need for "The Best Spinner"
Link: http://www.contentprofessor.com/index2.html
It's both FREE and extremely EFFECTIVE
ContentProfessor is the FIRST web-based spinner with a user-generated thesaurus database. Its "dynamic" database prioritizes synonyms based on how often they're used.
But it doesn't stop there...
Unlike other synonym databases, this just accumulate synonyms. Instead, the system is based on "quality." With Content Professor, as high quality synonyms are being added, irrelevant synonyms are also being removed.
And that’s the way it should be.
The result is that -- over time -- our dynamic database refines itself automatically giving you the highest quality and most relevant spun articles possible." .Hope this helps to cut down on your content creation time while saving some big cash.
It is a Free and/or cheap strong competitor to "The Best Spinner"
Link: http://www.contentprofessor.com/index2.html
It's both FREE and extremely EFFECTIVE
ContentProfessor is the FIRST web-based spinner with a user-generated thesaurus database. Its "dynamic" database prioritizes synonyms based on how often they're used.
But it doesn't stop there...
Unlike other synonym databases, this just accumulate synonyms. Instead, the system is based on "quality." With Content Professor, as high quality synonyms are being added, irrelevant synonyms are also being removed.
And that’s the way it should be.
The result is that -- over time -- our dynamic database refines itself automatically giving you the highest quality and most relevant spun articles possible." .Hope this helps to cut down on your content creation time while saving some big cash.
It is a Free and/or cheap strong competitor to "The Best Spinner"