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I was wondering if Vagex is counting the views if you open several windows in firefox and let the plugin run in every browser window - I left it running 10 hours over night with 6 firefox windows and all I got for credits was about 200 more... there must be something wrong here???

also the u2bviews software is running very slow. when I open u2bviews software and leave vagex running the same time u2bviews gives me login errors. while u2bviews firefox plugin is crashing every time and I dont know why....

help!! I need f***** massive amounts of views since I'm uploading about 100 vids daily to youtube, and without any views it will lead to nowhere.....

vagex viewer have another browser. I mean it plays videos in internet exporer for default......

you can run 1 views at once...

if you try to run more your ip will get banned
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