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What about the username and pass??
Darn thing is uncracked as you can see. Let me see if I can get this cracked or anybody else can^_____^
then whats the point of sharing the software which is not cracked!!!!
(11-23-2012 11:02 PM)stiffler Wrote: [ -> ]then whats the point of sharing the software which is not cracked!!!!
It's ok to share the software cause who knows one of the cracker here can crack it for us.

my point exactly!!!
but if you will excused me stiffler, I guessed that its a good share in its originality.
my apologies that I haven't mentioned that its uncracked
I am just saying :)
Anyways i requested to omega to crack this software in his thread!!!
Its alright^_____^
btw, do you guys anyhow came across the product TrendMiner Pro??? It harvests and “mines” sacred data from Google itself and delivers it straight to your eyes in seconds.
This the site of this product. Just take a look at it
I sent the setup to NullCrackerPro as well
(11-23-2012 11:19 PM)chakradhiraj Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-23-2012 11:19 PM)chakradhiraj Wrote: [ -> ]btw, do you guys anyhow came across the product TrendMiner Pro??? It harvests and “mines” sacred data from Google itself and delivers it straight to your eyes in seconds.
(11-23-2012 11:19 PM)chakradhiraj Wrote: [ -> ]This the site of this product. Just take a look at it