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Full Version: My Beautiful Wife.
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Hey guys i know this is unusual but ive just made a quick video of my beautiful wife of 15 years that died on June 2nd 2012,the video is for my Facebook page as its her 43 birthday on Monday 19th Nov i just want to show how much i still lover her and it hurts like shit everyday for me and my daughter. I'm not looking for sympathy from no-one i just want to show the world what a lovely lady i had the privilidge of meeting in my life and spending many happy years with and i do want the world to see her face.

Love this forum tho even through the hard times i still logon most evenings this is the best on the net by a mile.

Sooooo Saaaaaaaaaaadd:(:(
sorry to hear that :-(
wish you the best
I am so sorry for your lose! It is plainly obvious you were totally in love with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for your loss Mark I know how you feel bud

My thoughts are with you
Don't worry Mark. You gonna see her again. Just be patient:)
You're making some "hardnosed" blackhatters well-up in tears. Too sad. And I got all choked up earlier on a David Sprague Webinar when he paused a few times talking about his wife's 3 miscarraaiges. Killing me....sorry!
Too sad, you're turning us "hardnosed" blackhatters into mush. And I also got all teary-eyed earlier today on a David Sprague webinar of all things as he kept pausing as he spoke of his wife's 3 or 4 miscarraiges. What a strange day.....I want to go hug my wife and tell her I love her...:-(
Certainly pulls on the heart strings buddy.
That's make me sad
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