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Full Version: [Tutorial] How To Get Alot Of Paid Products From Internet [Powerful Guide]
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I tested a few of the suggested keywords and it is fascinating what came up... I would say an endless supply of stuff, much of what you may not even want, but it was quite an interesting little exercise. Thank you for the information and as many reputation points as possible.
(06-08-2014 03:16 AM)candyo383 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank God! Finally something that I can get to work for me. I tried some of the other tips but there was so much code I didn't know what to include in the search box. I'm not savvy when it comes to this stuff at all. At least I can do things like type - download or thank you. lol!!!! Now to figure out how to target it to specific sites.
To target a specific URL, try this (in a google window, of course):
"thank you for your purchase" insite:WEBSITE.COM
... to find results posted on a particular domain (ie WEBSITE.COM/thank_you.html)...


"thank you for your purchase" inurl:WEBSITE.COM
... to find results that mention a domain in the search result (ie

I hope this helps.
Thank you. + rep2
Thanks for sharing.
rep added++
the 'miracle' of google i guest..doh.
thanks for sharing
Thank you for the share
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