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Full Version: [GET] [Win A Free Copy] New and Improved Groupon Cash Code! Steal Leads Right From Under Groupons Nose!
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[Image: 1sales.gif]
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Direct Download
Magic Button :

Just made a quick search for the wso id and cant find this shared here.
So i posted it! Please mirror guys! Smile
[Image: faq.png]
Q: Will this work outside of the US?
A: In Version 1, you are limited to your own local city and only if Groupon services your area.
Now, with Version can sell SMS anywhere in the world. For example. do you live in Bangladesh? You can grab leads from Groupon in Chicago and use Direct Mail to contact them.
You can target any city that Groupon has listings for, and you can use Direct Mail to land clients all over the world.

Q: Do I Need This If I Already Have Version 1?
If you already have Version 1, and you don't mind cold calling…and you are making enough money - Than NO…you don't need this. However, if you hate cold calling, or you just want to expand and scale your business - Than you will LOVE this. The way I grab the leads from Groupon is the same, but the way I contact them and sell them are different.

Q: How much will it cost for a mailing?
I give different options inside that will allow you to pick what mail technique your budget will allow. So, this will vary from: just the cost of a stamp to about $2 per mail piece.

Q: Is there an OTO?
I do have an Upgrade. I don't call it an OTO, because you can buy it inside the members area later on (but it will cost you more money later). This course is complete without it, but the upgrade will save you a ton of time, and will allow you to start making money right away.
This course teaches you all my tricks and methods.
The Upgrade is my EXACT Graphics pack and Sales Letter that I use for my own mailings that has been tested and tweaked to convert. You simply have to plugin some of your own info into this sales letter. I give detailed instructions along with this to show you what you need to change.

Q: How Do I Access My Purchase?
After You Purchase…Paypal will lead you directly to Warrior Plus. Click The Button "Click Here To Access Your Purchase" just like the picture below!
[Image: howdoigetmypurchase.jpg]

Sometimes paypal will slack, and they will not lead you to Warrior Plus. If this happens, go and check your email inbox or your spam box. You will get an email from "WSO Delivery" with the subject "Offline Client Lockdown." This email will give you all your login information. Please be patient, sometimes the email takes a little while to get…This is OUT OF MY CONTROL!

Don't wanna wait for the email? Then you can always login to WarriorPlus at to view your entire purchase history! Then click the "Mobile Mail Domination" link.


If you still can't login, email me at "" and I will get it fixed ASAP!

[Image: testimonials.jpg]
That's big ;-) Thanx! I'm also into mobile marketing...

Cheers, Johnny
whats the difference between upgrade 1 and 2????
OTO links have an FBI warning!!!
thank you for this thread
thank you for this thread
Someone please make mirrors!!
[Image: FBI.jpg]

Even the PDF is a warning
...d***, I wanted to see this one!!!

Anybody happen to have a mirror?

(11-20-2012 09:39 AM)Jimmy Wrote: [ -> ][img]/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/FBI.jpg[/img]

Even the PDF is a warning
...d***, I wanted to see this one!!!

Anybody happen to have a mirror?

This guy with the "FBI" landing page is really funny! He definitely deserves sharing:-)
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