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[Image: WUv4m.gif]

Hi Guys and Girls i thought it time to help by contibuting my 1st for share.
Its Interspire Shopping Cart 6.1.8 and is working as i have tested it
I am sure its the professional edition im sure some one will let me know.

NOTE: their is a sneaky bug found and its easy to correct CREDIT TO EARTHWORMJIM for that see post #8 and #9
Very important as if you don't change those simple lines you will get a blank page or problems before uploading.
once again many thanks to JIM cheers

[spoiler] http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/56712502/isc6.1.8sp1.1.3.rar.html[/hide]

If it helps total file size 47.41 MB

+REPs and thanks are more than welcome
I hope eveything is all good as im guessing no news on here is good news.

Now i gues ive jixed it
thanks veryyyyyyyy moch
How much can we trust this :). Is there someone with hacking skills to check if this guy is trying to f*ck us?

@ thomtyro all i can say is im using it on 2 of my friends sites and all good so far i got it from ( iscexperts dot com) you can ask for it there if they are still giving it???

as we all know Interspire no longer support and the isc experts have helped me.

i know where you coming from but i have no intention of messing with any one nore do i know how to basically take it or leave it

also if anyone wants to know how to change the back links in admin you will find that the whitelabel.php is in the includes sub folder :)
thanks very much
cant download is there any other file host please..
(11-16-2012 07:43 AM)kenef Wrote: [ -> ]How much can we trust this :). Is there someone with hacking skills to check if this guy is trying to f*ck us?

Kenef, this guy IS f*cking us! They place a "timebomb" in their script. Goto your ISC root folder then open /lib/general.php in Notepad + +. Look at lines 359 and 1188. See that code in base 64 encryption: MjAxMzAyMDE= when you decode that it means: 20130201. So they made this script shutdown and put up a blank screen on Feb 1st 2013! My theory is that Cartaddon gave this script out to thousands of people for free and once it "shutdown" on Feb 1st (yesterday), then they would have a fix. My guess is the fix would cost you money. Now lets get something else straight. Cartaddon made this Sp 1.1.3. for anyone with ISC meaning that people that have license for ISC were handed a free time-bomb. If cartaddon did this to make money on they are opening themselves up to big lawsuits. Either way, this "time-bomb" was in fact put in the scripts on purpose! Here is how I came up with how to fix it:

Use an ftp program and goto your Interspire Shopping Cart root folder. Open /lib/general.php in Notepad + + (or other editor).

Goto line 359 and look for: MjAxMzAyMDE=
Replace with: OTk5OTAyMDE=

Goto Line 1188 and look for: MjAxMzAyMDE=
Replace with: OTk5OTAyMDE=

That is it! Your good to go

For those wondering: OTk5OTAyMDE= translates to: 99990201. So yes the time-bomb is still there but none of us or our grand kids will ever live to see it happen again.

Quote:How much can we trust this :). Is there someone with hacking skills to check if this guy is trying to f*ck us?

this guy IS f*cking us! They placed a "timebomb" in their script.
Goto your ISC root folder then open /lib/general.php in Notepad + +.
Look at lines 359 and 1188. See that code in base 64 encryption:
MjAxMzAyMDE= when you decode that it means: 20130201. So they made this
script shutdown and put up a blank screen on Feb 1st 2013! My theory
is that Cartaddon gave this script out to thousands of people for free
and once it "shutdown" on Feb 1st (yesterday), then they would have a
fix. My guess is the fix would cost you money. Now lets get something
else straight. Cartaddon made this Sp 1.1.3. for anyone with ISC
meaning that people that have license for ISC were handed a free
time-bomb. If cartaddon did this to make money on they are opening
themselves up to big lawsuits. Either way, this "time-bomb" was in fact
put in the scripts on purpose! Here is how I came up with how to fix

Use an ftp program and goto your Interspire Shopping Cart root folder. Open /lib/general.php in Notepad + + (or other editor).

Goto line 359 and look for: MjAxMzAyMDE=
Replace with: OTk5OTAyMDE=

Goto Line 1188 and look for: MjAxMzAyMDE=
Replace with: OTk5OTAyMDE=

That is it! Your good to go

those wondering: OTk5OTAyMDE= translates to: 99990201. So yes the
time-bomb is still there but none of us or our grand kids will ever live
to see it happen again.

Thanks for that Jim
I had no idea and did go through it and it was not my intention to offer this with it in .

I will if I may copy your part and put in the main part thread to worn others.

Thanks again
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