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Full Version: [GET] Vmware Xrummer 7.0.12 Hrefer 3.85 Scrapebox 1.15.60 No Hands SEO 1.7.16
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Use a separate program for proxy scraping eg. proxy goblin. proxy feature doesn't work because that sb license is now dead.
(03-01-2013 07:30 PM)*censored* Wrote: [ -> ]Use a separate program for proxy scraping eg. proxy goblin. proxy feature doesn't work because that sb license is now dead.
Thank you mate...
(02-12-2013 12:44 AM)jenat Wrote: [ -> ]I can't install vmware on window server 2012 vps .It is saying this product can't be installed on window installed with Microsoft HyperV .How can I fix this ? I searched google and nothing helps
try to install vmware workstation...
okay! It's something unusual but maybe some one can help me! I no longer can use "Manage" option in scrape box under proxy. Whenever I click on it, it just shows the sand clock for few seconds and then nothing pops up! I can't use any proxy too. Today I tried with my personal private proxies and it failed to use them. I am not sure what happened. I tried re extracting the vm ware package but same result!
Scrape proxies through another software.

Does anyone know if scrapebox crashes can we open it somehow again or do we have to import the vm again ??
Guys I have a problem !!
I downloaded it and every thing was ok, but yesterday my brother powered off the pc suddenly, not from shutdown you know, he removed PC power cable !!

When I started again and opened the file as usual
It appears that the PC in VMWare restarted and all programs closed

when I opened scrabpebox again it didn't work and required for a activation key !!

What can I do??
unzip it all again, should take a snapshot before use next time so you can revert back instead of having to unzip it all.
I really love this forum. I did need not spend money at all. Great Shares!
(03-14-2013 02:04 PM)*censored* Wrote: [ -> ]unzip it all again, should take a snapshot before use next time so you can revert back instead of having to unzip it all.
Can you upload it again Mediafire please !!!
scrapebox not haversting url's...
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