11-11-2012, 01:29 AM
Money Psychology:
Learn the mindset you need to create wealth in your life.
12 sessions (with intro and bonus). I haven't gone through it yet. But anything from Eben is great.
Copy paste from intro session:
In this section you'll learn exactly what "Money Psychology" means
and why understanding this one concept is essential to you making
more money and taking control of your financial future.
You'll learn how and why people fail or succeed with money and wealth,
and what you can do to guarantee long-term financial success.
1. "Money Psychology" is the relationship between a person's mind and emotions, and the
medium of exchange called money. In this program you'll learn how to improve and control
this relationship to create more money for yourself and others.
2. What most people do when they study a program on how to make more money... is they
go right to the "how to make money techniques"... and don't do the work of laying the
foundation of their inner game FIRST. This is a mistake.
a. If you want to make money, you have to start with the Inner Game first - the
mindsets, your emotional motivation - this will really give you a better chance of
making substantially more money, now and in the long run.
3. MasterMind - Mindset - Motivation - Mastery - Money.
a. Money comes as a result of mastering certain skills.
b. Mastering certain skills come from your motivation to stick with it.
c. Motivation to stick with it comes from your mindset.
d. And your mindset comes from MasterMind - the people who are closest to you.
e. So we will start with your MasterMind.
4. Money does not have value in itself - it's simply something we trade for things that we
really want.
5. Don't mistake money for actual value - historically, every currency eventually crashes and
become worthless. So put your focus on building SKILLS and ASSETS - which retain their
value even when cash becomes worthless.
6. Inevitability Thinking - "What conditions would I need to put in place so that the outcome
I'd like to have happen, happens automatically?"
Exercise: "Thinking At A Higher Level"
a. What do you know to do that if you did it every day for the next 12 months, would
have a huge impact on your long term income, but you don't do it every day because
you can't get yourself to take action?" Work on side business first hour of every day.
b. What conditions would you have to put in place so they made sure you actually did the
thing you know you should do, every single day?
c. What would you have to put in place so you made sure you actually put in place the
thing you'd have to put in place so you do the thing you know you should do, every
7. Success with money and in life is about learning how to think at a higher level.
Learn the mindset you need to create wealth in your life.
12 sessions (with intro and bonus). I haven't gone through it yet. But anything from Eben is great.
Copy paste from intro session:
In this section you'll learn exactly what "Money Psychology" means
and why understanding this one concept is essential to you making
more money and taking control of your financial future.
You'll learn how and why people fail or succeed with money and wealth,
and what you can do to guarantee long-term financial success.
1. "Money Psychology" is the relationship between a person's mind and emotions, and the
medium of exchange called money. In this program you'll learn how to improve and control
this relationship to create more money for yourself and others.
2. What most people do when they study a program on how to make more money... is they
go right to the "how to make money techniques"... and don't do the work of laying the
foundation of their inner game FIRST. This is a mistake.
a. If you want to make money, you have to start with the Inner Game first - the
mindsets, your emotional motivation - this will really give you a better chance of
making substantially more money, now and in the long run.
3. MasterMind - Mindset - Motivation - Mastery - Money.
a. Money comes as a result of mastering certain skills.
b. Mastering certain skills come from your motivation to stick with it.
c. Motivation to stick with it comes from your mindset.
d. And your mindset comes from MasterMind - the people who are closest to you.
e. So we will start with your MasterMind.
4. Money does not have value in itself - it's simply something we trade for things that we
really want.
5. Don't mistake money for actual value - historically, every currency eventually crashes and
become worthless. So put your focus on building SKILLS and ASSETS - which retain their
value even when cash becomes worthless.
6. Inevitability Thinking - "What conditions would I need to put in place so that the outcome
I'd like to have happen, happens automatically?"
Exercise: "Thinking At A Higher Level"
a. What do you know to do that if you did it every day for the next 12 months, would
have a huge impact on your long term income, but you don't do it every day because
you can't get yourself to take action?" Work on side business first hour of every day.
b. What conditions would you have to put in place so they made sure you actually did the
thing you know you should do, every single day?
c. What would you have to put in place so you made sure you actually put in place the
thing you'd have to put in place so you do the thing you know you should do, every
7. Success with money and in life is about learning how to think at a higher level.
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