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Not sure where to post this there so i started here.

The reason i started this thread because daily we see more than 5 NEW WSO and most of the methods are repeated in different WSO's. By the end of the day its impossible to every one of us to read all the methods and implement it.So finally we just dump it or skip it. In my harddrive i have more than 100GB of data i collected and hardly read more than 50 WSO's, i think this is same with most of us.

So what i suggest is lets discuss the best WSO or method you have come across in all your IM experience. There may be more than 1 which you have implemented or read and worked well for you.

I kindly request each to ever one to share this with others. I am not asking to reveal all your secrets but atleast help the newbies who did'nt make even in a single penny but wasted time reading all the crap out and loosing hope.

As my contribution :
1.I started with tradebit and made some money and still earning not much but 100$ a month.
2.The best and original WSO i read recently is willr's "5200+ Sold. 2236+ REAL Reviews. Your Own Mobile Business"
Now its your turn.
I hear you bro...i got 250 GB of WSO and IM products!!!

I am trying to implement as many methods as i can....

Will come back and share some Heart later!

I like the idea of this thread. I read these WSO hoping to come across little pieces of gold but it doesn't happen often (I trash most if not all the WSO's I read). Some of the offline stuff I keep incase I get and a bind and need to make money fast. I've had success with offline but I don't like dealing with the business owners and I'm currently focusing on my one authority site in a niche im passionate about.

I'm almost finished setting up a system to syndicate content to drive traffic build relationships all without google traffic. I'm in 50 niche related Linkedin groups, around 80 related FB groups and 100 related forums. I'll be syndicating my content through those platforms. I know this will drive traffic because I already tested an article to 10 or so facebook groups and got a fair amount of traffic. but when I place an article on every forum, linkedin group, and FB group I'll be able to drive a good amount of traffic. All my pages are setup for lead generation. After this system is running smooth I'll just focus on writing articles and making video's. Plus reading S***** WSO's :)

I wish I could be more help but thats what im up too.
Thanks for sharingyour experience with us.
(11-10-2012 07:04 PM)catinthewall Wrote: [ -> ]I like the idea of this thread. I read these WSO hoping to come across little pieces of gold but it doesn't happen often (I trash most if not all the WSO's I read). Some of the offline stuff I keep incase I get and a bind and need to make money fast. I've had success with offline but I don't like dealing with the business owners and I'm currently focusing on my one authority site in a niche im passionate about.

I'm almost finished setting up a system to syndicate content to drive traffic build relationships all without google traffic. I'm in 50 niche related Linkedin groups, around 80 related FB groups and 100 related forums. I'll be syndicating my content through those platforms. I know this will drive traffic because I already tested an article to 10 or so facebook groups and got a fair amount of traffic. but when I place an article on every forum, linkedin group, and FB group I'll be able to drive a good amount of traffic. All my pages are setup for lead generation. After this system is running smooth I'll just focus on writing articles and making video's. Plus reading S***** WSO's :)

I wish I could be more help but thats what im up too.
Hi friend, This WSO already shared by other member some times ago ya. :)
This WSO posted before by other members.
This WSO is already shared by other members on the forum.
This thread is not about sharing the WSO's but telling the best WSO that worked.By this we can eliminate 95% of crap WSO's we see daily
(11-10-2012 11:51 PM)clarencechew Wrote: [ -> ]This WSO posted before by other members.
Arbitage Underdog.
I know it is not a read but the first day I bought it I made a thousand dollars from an off line ad looking for a website built.
Still use it. Great Product.
I like the idea of this thread. Still reviewing everything i have on my harddrive. Talking about products for me the best is HTA (although its not a wso).

Will keep posting if i find cool stuff.
I think Legitimate Business Blueprint is a good quality WSO.
blueturtletech, how did you get respond so easy? I tried emailing 30 people who posted that they are looking for services, I emailed them to provide the service, not even a single people replied to me!
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