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Full Version: [GET] Cashvertising : How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone
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Doesn't matter what you are selling online, offline if you want people to take notice of what you have to offer then this a

(09-25-2014 07:02 AM)pframpt Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing. Reps added.

many thx
reps added
Thanks foe sharing my friend Rep. Added
Thanks...repped +5 and a new shiny new zippy mirror

Magic Button :
Hey guys,
could someone re-up a zippyshare link for this Cashadvertising book, please.

Just found out about it, and all zippyshare links in this thread are dead.

Much appreciated ;)

nevermind, just found a working link.
If interested, here it is: - enjoy;)

Thanks qwe555 +Reps Added
If you are in marketing or sales, this is one of the few books you ABSOLUTELY must read and have in your library. So if you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and read it now.
Thank you for the share chakradhiraj and thank you for the mirror qwe555 + reps!
Thanks for pushing the "must reads" aallaabbaammaa !!

Speaking of *must reads* here's something I fell on yesterday and which I would put in the category of "musts" also.
Took me almost all day yesterday to go through this guys videos. But for me it was worth it. Donno it it's been mentionned elsewhere on the forum - apologies in advance of any duplicates.
Anyway, Enjoy:


(01-31-2018 06:00 AM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]If you are in marketing or sales, this is one of the few books you ABSOLUTELY must read and have in your library. So if you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and read it now.
Anyone has updated link? Thanks
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