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Full Version: [GET] Jonny Andrews – The Perfect Publishing System Module - All modules!
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Pages: 1 2 3
I believe that all the links are still working!
Please someone re-upload this one... really need it...
I 2nd a reup

Would definitely earn rep and be a hero for this one!
great share mod, +3 rep...
This brings back old memories, lol. I downloaded this but never really implemented anything due to the lack of funds (there's a strong emphasis on outsourcing with this course).

Has anyone implemented this so far? I'd like to hear about your experiences with Jonny's system. I'd imagine it's very scalable and versatile -- since it involves Kindle and outsourcing, it should also be evergreen (unless Kindle somehow vanishes from the face of this earth tomorrow!)
I'd love it if you could get the download links going again
Come on, someone has to have this one...
Anyone with new links for Modules 2-8? Would really appreciate it
hows the torrent link for this one?
that might be ggreat
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