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Tested with this disposable mail:
wooow what's crazy share
thank you man
Thank you for the cool share.
I got 5 on it!
Thank you Pumpkin you Rock..supper share
To Badd ASS!!
Thank you for the OTO!!
Plus 5 Added!!
Too Cool!
Thank you!
The links are no more accessible.
Maybe the vendor pull down the wso + download page after one 'not so good' review from a buyer. Talk about 'rave reviews'
@steveniam yes you are right it was taken down. so is there any reviews from any one in here?
Re: [Rave Reviews!] Mobile + CPA + CASE STUDIES = $$$ (Limited Relaunch by Popular Demand!)
Originally Posted by IngeniousNO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-
Let me preface this review by saying that this is my personal opinion and may or may not be the case. I never seek to slight a WSO provider but do look to provide accurate feedback. Alrighty then. On with the show...
Not the greatest video quality and in some instances I couldn't read the material on my screen (Hi-def LED backlit). Audio quality not the greatest either. At the end of the day, this wouldn't be much of an issue if I felt there were more substance to the WSO. I felt the provider of the WSO didn't come across as an authority on the subject. In fact, as he guided me through the videos, I felt like it was his first time dealing with many of the traffic and affiliate resources he was showing me. He didn't seem to be versed on the sites and how they operated which made me a bit apprehensive from the onset. He also let the videos run as he sifted through technical issues as well as figuring out how to navigate the resource sites. Again, things I could live with if there were to be a positive outcome. The outcome I was looking for never happened. To be specific, while he walked through the process of how to set up CPA campaigns and how to go back through them and make adjustments to attempt to optimize results, he never showed me the result. In short, this was more theory than applied science. I even went as far as purchasing the OTO with case studies which, again, never gave me a "here is the awesome, profitable campaign that we started from scratch" view that I was looking for. The course provided some bare-bones basics that I feel most folks could figure out themselves in a short period of time.
I am new to CPA so maybe there were some things that were missed upon me, but I feel I'm of above average intelligence and have left an accurate review.
Hi Mate,
Thank you for your honest feedback here. however you had not contacted us anytime with any of the problems you have had. I would have been happy to address your issues and given you a solution.
In any case, please send us a support ticket or pm me your paypal ID. I will refund your money. We dont want your money if you are not satisfied with the course.
Many thanks.
The links are no more accessible.
DL links not available anymore. re-up please!